Saturday, 24 September 2011

Recycling is good for the environment

Check this one out, it would be awesome to ride one of these out of your own consumed beers. Dont forget to click on the image for a larger size view:

Go well with your day


Monday, 19 September 2011

Grandpas and lazy mofos will rule the line day ?

Will they sit a few meters out from the pack in the line up and get all the waves ?

According to them, there is a code, what they call a JETIQUETTE

This is an extract from their site:

"With Power comes Responsibility. While this is an old saying that may seem tired to some, at WaveJet, it is a mantra to live by. WaveJet was created to enhance the way people interact with water, but NEVER to alienate the others with whom they share that space."

So next time you ride, make sure to keep in mind these rules of that you never come off as a WaveJerk!

- Don't cheat. WaveJet was not created to let you cut into the lineup and slide in on another rider's waves.
- Stay in line and wait your turn!
- Follow the normal rules of paddling, don’t WaveJet through the heart of the lineup.
- Share. Just because you can catch all the waves doesn’t mean you should.
- Be nice. You're the lucky one with the WaveJet - show a little love for the surfers around you!

I hope we dont see them soon,



Sunday, 18 September 2011

Keala Kennelly wave at Teahupoo

This was the wave where she had the accident, so it was not really on the big days, she was cruising on an overhead day a couple days later and...

She seems to be doing ok, big scar though.

Happy week


Thursday, 15 September 2011

Bobby Martinez part II

Dear crew,

Just a follow up from Bobby's interview post below. I scored this NEW interview (after he went and fucked the whole ASP) of Bobby sitting down in a quieter place and explaining himself a bit further and his criticisms.

I was happy to hear that I was not the only one claiming a "marketing strategy", the beauty of speculating...

Bobby Martinez- Speaking His Mind from FTW on Vimeo.

Whatever you do hermano Bobs, keep ripping

Have a top weekend



Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Home made paint job

G'day ladies and gents, boys and girls, here is where I got the idea on how to paint my board, simple however very effective.

Here is one of my board (click on image to enlarge):

You can also combine colours for different effect.This is my brothers board here (click on image to enlarge):

The cost of this paint job was : 2 x cans of paint ($7 each) = $14 and the palm we got from a palm tree down the road, cost $0

Not bad for a home made paint job huh!

Go well with your day!


Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Bobby Martinez: rebelde o estrategia de marketing

Me quede muy impresionado con la salida de Bobby Martinez del tour. Aunque voluntaria, me parecio que le ASP aprovecho la oportunidad de mostrar al mundo del surf, que no estaban dispuestos a "calarse" su pataleo "fuck this, fuck that, tennis this, etc". Despues de su ya famosa post-heat entrevista en NY, yo pense, verga que bolas, Bobby si es loco, se fumo unas piedras ????.

Tengo que admitir que siempre me gusto su surfing y siempre vi sus heats con mucho interes. Aparte que el man siempre tuvo un un surfing solido, quizas tambien hay un elemento de "latino a latino" en mi respeto hacia el. Tanto asi que le dedico un espacio en mi blog. Ademas de 4 x WCT victories = 2 x en Mundaka y 2 x en Teahupoo, hablan pos si solas.

La ASP ha hecho cambios, cambios drasticos,y me imagino que muchos surfistas de esa escuela (no voy a usar la palabra vieja escuela), estaran pensando en sus futuros y en que hacer una vez que el dream is over.

Bueno aqui los dejo con su post heat interview y mas abajo con su nuevo sponsor (FTW), en mi opinion, el hombre utilizo New York, y que mejor escenario para hacerlo, y alineo su estrategia de salida del tour con la imagen de su nuevo sponsor.

Rebel o estrategia de marketing ?

Este es el emblema de su nuevo sponsor, mas info ver:

Happy rippin


Sunday, 11 September 2011

Kelly's five fin set up

Que mas se puede decir del 10 x world champ, y sus oponentes todavia se quedaron con 3

click on image for better view

happy surfing


Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Con el Sentimiento Muerto

MIRAFLORES by edgarjimenez

Te gusta Sentimiento, vacila


Bruce Irons on Quads

Brucey and Nath Fletcher talk quads, para los fan del quad,



Interesting facts about how waves come about

Haz click en la foto para ver los detalles


Teahupoo and the Billabong pro 2011, dia historico.

Hola, si estas recibiendo este post, significa que eres un especulador o que simplemente hemos especulado juntos en el pasado, no te preocupes, ser un especulador no es tan malo.

La palabra especulador viene del Latin (speculari) y segun el diccionario, significa: ver adelante/futuro cercano/inmediato, en resumen ser especulador es mas bien una virtud, gente pilas que ve adelante y toma provecho de las situaciones a medida que se materializan, simple no?.

Bueno al grano, todavia no me canso de ver las imagenes y los videos que llegan desde el cyberspace. Como debut the este blog los dejo con esta imagen:

El objetivo de esta blog es compartir todo tipo de especulaciones con mis panas (en vez de mandarles cientos de emails semanales con todas las vainas que se me atraviesan diariamente), vacilatelo y sientete libre de agregar tus comentarios. 

(Como te sentirias tu si estas en el mismo lugar de este fotografo?)

Happy days

JON (Blogmaster J)